Sustainability, Reduce & Recycling


Sustainability, Reduce & Recycling

Reducing Food Waste

Food waste can be a problem in the hospitality sector but we tackle this by:-

Educating and training staff on what can be re-used.

Forecasting daily numbers with Production Teams on TV & Film sets to minimise any waste.

Working with our partners to ensure food waste recycling is available.

Share Waste Less – Olio

We are the first catering company in Northern Ireland to work with the Olio charity – our surplus daily food is distributed to families and individuals in need – not only does this reduce waste it helps those in need in our local community.

Compostable / recyclable Packaging

All our take away containers, coffee cups and lids are 100% plant based and fully compostable

Paper bags, wooden cutlery, straws and stirrers are fully recyclable

We work with TV & Film Productions to segregate waste for recycling and collection from Unit Base and service areas.

Supporting Global Farmers

Our coffee, tea, bananas, sugar, avocados are Fairtrade.

Tree Planting 

Commenced in 2022; every year Big Occasions will plant a tree a week within the Eco Nature Reserve in Ballymena. We as a business want to ensure the environment and planet is nurtured for the next generation and are working in our local area with local Friends of the Eco Centre and Council to reduce our carbon footprint. Later in the year we will be working with a local Scouts group to help them achieve their Forester Activity Badge.

Less Waste – Refill Incentive 

The majority of TV & Film productions bring in water stations to reduce single use plastic – we as a company will only offer tetra-pak water cartons when asked to provide water for cast and crew.

Sourcing Local and cooking with the seasons

By buying locally and cooking with the seasons, we can reduce the food miles of our business, help protect our soils and develop closer relationships with local suppliers.